this little bunch of working adults were sitting somewhere in front of me.
what caught my attention was the bulky one i dubbed 'beefcake'
besides the bulkiness..his manners are probably his most understanding quality.
for those who've been to the one at tiong bahru..you would probably remember the walkway in front of the counter as pretty narrow.
so there i was walking towards the counter and along comes beefcake..walking opposite me. he never once moved slightly to the side or at least considered the very obvious fact that the pathway is narrow and he's not exactly lean.
where's your manners dude?
or is he the kind that won't give a shit for ladies that aren't stick thin and look like mannequins?
i can't help but judge.
he's probably the kind with an ego bigger than the sun..loves himself to death and probably views the opposite sex as an ornament, a maid or a sex toy.
so while beefcake was off ordering drinks. i noticed his other companions..
young tai-tai, short fart and ms. poser.
young tai-tai. quite pretty..looks very young and well dressed and as the name suggests..is loaded.
diamond solitaire wedding ring. hot pink moto razr v3x.
coach bag. coach wallet.
the money is either her hubby's or her own.
i do hope she made that money herself. at least that shows she's in independent despite being married and that's good actually. being able to buy things for yourself.
short fart. short guy. looks juvenile..is juvenile but acts and dresses like a salesman. i think he's an insurance agent..or maybe he prefers to be called a financial planner.
he looks like the kind. the annoying ones that will approach you on the streets and say "hi! can i just borrow you for a few shorts minutes to complete a survey?"
and you say 'NO"
coz you can't help but feel like you can't trust him with your money...
ms. poser.
she has super perfect hair. not a strand out of place! NOT ONE!
she keeps touching it. smoothing it down.
someone tell me why the people i see fussing with their hair in public are usually the ones with hair that's very straight and tame and in place?
i can never be friends with people like that.
i think i'll be too annoyed being around them.
there's so much of such people around now you know.
people who wanna be rich and successful and climb the corporate ladder..and they tend to develop huge egos.
i'm suddenly reminded of this dude i encountered while having dinner with the boyfriend one evening.
we were at maxwell..at a table meant for 6. when this lady came over and begged us to buy tissue from her. she looked pitiful but we didn't buy any. just when she was begging.. this middle-aged man and his wife were nearby and i heard the guy say
"..don't give me that fucked up face"
i was shocked to hear him say that.
i mean what did the lady do to him? she didn't even ask him for money!
the couple eventually settled at our table..he didn't have much manners either..didn't ask if they could sit or if the seats were taken.
i overheard some of his conversations..and i gather that he's some kind of businessman..he mentioned aia..so possibly an insurance agent or agency leader.
so he's 'successful' and everyone else not earning as much as him is scum?
he's the scum.
it's sad isn't it?
what money can do to some people.
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