Tuesday, April 20, 2010

Dear You..

Yes you - the one that's reading this now.


I started this way back in 2004, posting semi-regularly about whatever that I felt like sharing. Most of it was complaining about something annoying that happened, some of it was about happy events in my life. Nothing groundbreaking, nothing of literary value, nothing political or philosophical, there aren't even any photo-shopped narcissistic pictures of myself! It is exactly what the title of the blog says - random thoughts

and then I stopped.
my last entry was about McDonald's in September 2008.

Why did I stop you might ask?
Simply put, I was uninspired.
But hey, that was almost 2 years ago..

So anyway, if you've been reading my blog - thank you - I appreciate that.
If you're new, Hi (again)
If you like what you're reading - great! you're more than welcome to check back anytime.
If you don't like what you're reading - oh well..guess you better hit that BACK button!

1 comment:

Samantha Evers said...

hi cheryl. i hope that you get this through your email sometime soon. this may seem a little bit forward, but i've been running my own personal blog about beauty, fashion, interior design, food etc. for a little over a year now. it's called simple kind of lovely. i am looking to brand my blog and expand and was wondering if there's any possibility you would change the name of the link to your website. i know this is a lot to ask but was hoping you might consider it. please let me know if you'd be willing to! thanks :)